Well, the kids are back in school and soon the weather will be cooling off at the same time school activities are heating up! Hallowed Grounds can help you put the fun back into "fun"draising. Let's face it, we are all tired of those same old hoagies and candy bars! Why not look for new and innovative fundraising ideas?

As you know, Hallowed Grounds imports coffees from around the globe and roasts 'em fresh daily! We also roast our own cinnamon glazed nuts! Our nut gift trays are the perfect addition for your next fundraiser. And since not everyone drinks coffee we round out our fundraisers by including our 10 tea variety packs as a part of every fundrasier.

You will find the Hallowed Grounds flyer easy to use to facilitate your orders. We are happy to offer you a wholesale price that is 30% below retail, netting you a nice profit benefitting your oranization. Remember, you will get 50 cups of coffee per pound vs. hoagies and candy bars that are gone in one meal!

So, let Hallowed Grounds Coffee Roasterie of New Brighton, PA caffeinate your fundraising efforts!

Call, click or stop in today and be sure to like us on facebook and follow us on twitter!

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