We are pleased to announce that Hallowed Grounds Coffee Roasterie of New Brighton, PA has recently met the requirements for the Gold designation in Sustainability by the Sustainable Small Business program. The SWPA recognizes small businesses for implementing sustainable actions good for the environment and for promoting a sense of community. Celebrate with us by visiting our store and by showing your support of small businesses like Hallowed Grounds who take actions that are simultaneously good for their bottom line, the environment, and the social fabric of the communities in which they are located.

Shopping at establishments that have earned the esteemed sustainable designation shows your support for sustainability and boosts the local economy. For every $100 spent at a local business, approximately $67 stays in the commnity. Compare this to shopping at a big box store, where only $32 out of every $100 stays in the community.

Shop small, shop local, & keep your downtown business districts healthy and vibrant for those who live and work in the area. A thriving business district reduces crime & increases tax revenues to be used for the betterment of local schools and social services to those in need.

Remember to be here for us, so that we can be here for you! In honor of this designation, Hallowed Grounds is offering a 10% discount to those who mention this article during the month of July! Support small business, build a sense of community & Save money - a win/win for everyone!

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