Do you ever feel as though some people just don't get you? Sometimes this happens in business as well. Try as we might there are folks who simply don't understand us. Or worse, there are those who have yet to try us. There are even some who are completely unaware of us.
So, who or what exactly are we? We are Hallowed Grounds Coffee Roasterie of New Brighton, home of heavenly roasted coffee, specialty teas, gifts and home-made goodies. We import coffees from around the world and roast them up fresh! We are artisans and we roast our coffee in small batches known as micro-roasting. We are hometown goodness at its best!
Our business model is that of a Roaster/Retailer. We are intentionally NOT Starbucks or any corporation. We are purposely not your typical sit and sip coffee shop. At Hallowed Grounds we offer an enjoyable shopping experience by carrying unique specialty coffees, teas, and gift items along with gourmet groceries. Goods that we do not create ourselves are supplied by various local vendors, so supporting us also supports other small businesses. Everything we do is packed with a whole latte love! We perform our duties with passion for your pleasure.
Hallowed Grounds has the best selection of coffees and teas in the valley and we guarantee their freshness. We sell over 15,000 pounds of fresh roasted coffee per year. We sell 50 pounds of coffee on average per day. And we brew 5 pounds of coffee daily. Now, that's a whole latte coffee for a tiny store in New Brighton! 2017 is our 10th year in business.
Yet, surprisingly, many folks in Beaver County & beyond still don't know about us. Even more surprising, some who are aware of us, insist that our store should be located in some other town instead of New Brighton. Our response is always the same, why can't New Brighton have something nice?  Now, don't get me wrong, there are plenty of great towns out there, but New Brighton is one of them.
While some people think we are too good for New Brighton, others think that since we are located in New Brighton, we can't possibly be good - a quagmire for sure for many small businesses just like us. Our challenge to you in 2017 is to encourage you to resolve to perk up your daily routine, and experience the hometown goodness that is literally right under nose, including Hallowed Grounds Coffee Roasterie of New Brighton - either online or in person.
To those of you who already support us, a thanks a latte for making 2016 our best year! Together we keep getting better with each passing year. Our challenge to our regulars is to make more people aware of the small town gems like ours that keep our towns vibrant. Remember, small businesses are the heartbeat of your neighborhood, the backbone of your local economy, and the spirit of your town. So, resolve to shop small and support local businesses both online and in person for 2017.
Blessings  everyone!

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